Here's Why The Meaninglessness Of Life Is Liberating

If a three-eyed gargantuan monster were to sneak into your comfortable bedroom one fated night and proclaim that God has been brutally murdered and life is purposeless, how will you react?

Will you lament the death of God?

Will you renounce the illusory world and flee to the mountains to engage in an ultimately fruitless exercise to achieve spiritual liberation?

Or will you, akin to what Camus believed, commit suicide? For is a life bereft of inherent purpose worth living? Most certainly there is no end to the suffering, the frustrating confusion, and the unsatisfactoriness! 

That dolour characterises existence is indisputable:

Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; 
(Turning Of The Wheel of Law).

How would you describe your present life?

You wake up, possibly brush your teeth, take a bath if you deem it necessary, and get ready for work; you then labour and toil for hours, return to your home, have supper, watch TV, and hop onto the bed. Rinse and repeat!

Some of you get married and have kids. 

But do these activities entail anything phenomenal? Does your presence signify any intrinsic nature to the same? 

You must be wondering—oh shoot! What am I gonna do? This unsightly monster tells me that my life is meaningless and that there is nothing but suffering! And I reckoned that I would be rolling in dough, surrounded by voluptuous chicks and irresistibly handsome dudes! 

Now that there is no morality to beguile me and no God to stifle me, where shall I go and what shall I do? 

Calm down, precious reader. Allay your misplaced agony. The meaninglessness of life does not ipso facto necessitate its cessation. 

If you see a blank sheet of paper, do you just crumble it up and throw it away? If yes, then ask yourself: Why? Why do I blissfully emasculate a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? I can do so many things—colour it red and blue, draw forested mountains on it, or heck, even make it into a makeshift boat! 

The purposelessness of life has occasioned the materialization of free will and its exercise. Man is free to fashion his destiny the way he deems fit.

One can choose to believe in God or reject him altogether. One can be free from religious dogma or deeply engrossed in it. What one believes in is immaterial. What matters is whether our beliefs bring us immense joy and pleasure. 


  1. This was really a thoughtful piece.

    But one thing I think you are wrong about, is Albert Camus. Wasn't his solution to absurdity against suicide in principle?


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